Client Testimonials

I've had a long executive career and dealt with many many attorneys. I've seen everything from highly competent lawyers with no moral compass to ethical practitioners that fear complexity. So I think it fair to say I can recognize a great attorney when I see it...


I recently employed Mozaffari Law to handle a wrong termination case against my former employer, which is a Fortune 50 corporation. My lawyer, Afshin Mozaffari, executed his duties splendidly. From inception, he carefully explained the impending...


His approach made me feel really comfortable, and I felt like he genuinely wanted to help me.” I would recommend Mr. Mozaffari because he really listens to his clients and achieves favorable results. I felt he gathered a lot of information about my case by listening and then by...


I strongly recommend Mr. Mozaffari if you have a case against your employer.” You will not regret selecting Mr. Mozaffari as your attorney. He is very knowledgeable, patient and detail-oriented, which I think are the most important traits of a caring lawyer. I was referred to him...


After years of hard-fought litigation, Afshin was able to secure a great result for my case." I worked at a large corporation with many instances of sex/gender discrimination and unequal pay to women. After voicing these concerns, I was retaliated against and terminated. Afshin...


Afshin Mozaffari is an amazing attorney! My initial search for a lawyer to represent me was extremely disappointing. Many did not want to take the time to hear my “story,” lacked compassion and were primarily interested only in what the monetary outcome could possibly be...


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